Friday's Girl
A deep rooted secret might very well never be addressed, yet that doesn't prevent me from attempting. Nobody knows without a doubt which Norse god was the motivation for naming a day as 'Friday,' however I've most certainly found somebody who can limit the rundown of competitors.
Friday name beginning, Frigg, Frigga, Freya, Freja, Frejya, Viking folklore, work day names, Nordic folklore, Cyberiter
I referenced in a new article that there was a question in numerous scholastic quarters with respect to the genuine Viking divinity being regarded by the name, 'Friday.' The difficult reality is that except if somebody uncovers a runic stone that affirms the issue - - - and that is not likely - - - just a lion's share of fortuitous proof will convey the day in any such discussion.
In this way, while others while away their time considering world harmony, I've gotten back to the quest for Friday's motivation.
On the off chance that you'll review, four of the seven days of the week are named after Norse divine beings:
- Tuesday is for Tyr, the lord of truth and war,
- Wednesday is for Odin, the Allfather of Viking divine beings,
- Thursday is for Thor, the lord of thunder,
- Friday, but is shrouded in vagueness.
I'd continuously heard the day's name-beginning came from Frigg, Odin's senior spouse - - - he had mutiple - - - and this is upheld by the most insightful of English references, like the Oxford word reference. Others say it was for one or the other Frey or Freja, who were siblings in the Vanir family. Frey was the lord of richness, so it was viewed as fundamental for keep him blissful; Freja was the goddess of adoration and magnificence, so it didn't damage to keep on the up and up with her, by the same token.
Frigg's obligations were to be the goddess of the sky. It was an unobtrusive work, however it had to get done.
Going to the internet for goal, I occurred on a great aide in Norse matters, The Viking Answer Woman. She is so fastidious in her material that I felt the chance of her carrying light to the issue was very great. Thus, I reached her. To say she did her exploration is putting it mildly. Here is her answer to me:
"Since Western Europe all initially gotten from Indo-European clans, we observe that there were a ton of correspondences between the different branches - - - not definite, one-for-one personality, but rather ideas are plainly related. So it's no genuine shock to track down that the naming and imagery of the times of the week, and the quantity of days in seven days, may be basically similar in every one of the relatives of the Indo-Europeans.
"You can see the day-name correspondences in different dialects that dive from Indo-European:
"Old Greek has: hemera selenes (moon day), hemera Areos (Ares' day), hemera Hermu (Hermes' day), hemera Dios (Zeus' day), hemera Aphrodites (Aphrodite's day), hemera Khronu (Chronos' day), hemera heliou (sun day)
"Latin: Lunae bites the dust (Moon-day, Monday), Martis kicks the bucket (Mars-Day, Tuesday), Mercurii passes on (Mercury's day, Wednesday), Jovis kicks the bucket (Jove's day, Thursday), Veneris kicks the bucket (Venus' day, Friday), Saturni bites the dust (Saturn's day, Saturday) or on the other hand Christian Sabbatum or Sabbati kicks the bucket (day off), Solis kicks the bucket (Sunday)or on the other hand Christian Dominicus kicks the bucket (Master's day)
"Obviously, the Sentiment dialects plainly get their day names from Latin, with the exception of Portugese, which numbers the days:
"Italian: lunedi, martedi, mercoledi, giovedi, venerdi, sabato, domenica
"Spanish: lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado, domingo
"French: lundi, mardi, mercredi, jeudi, vendredi, samedi, dimanche
"Romanian: luni, marti, miercuri, joi, vineri, sîmbata, duminica
"Portugese: Segunda-Feira (second day, Monday); Terça-Feira (third day, Tuesday); Quarta-Feira (fourth day, Wednesday); Quinta-Feira (fifth day, Thursday); Sexta-Feira (sixth day, Friday); Sábado (time of rest, Saturday); Domingo (Ruler's Day, Sunday)
"The Celtic dialects have taken and safeguarded the Latin names of the days, and furthermore acquired intensely from Christian ideas:
"Welsh: Dydd Llun (moon/Luna day), Dydd Mawrth (Mars' day), Dydd Mercher (Mercury's day), Dydd Iau (Jove's day), Dydd Gwener (Venus' day), Dydd Sadwrn (Saturn's day), Dydd Sul (sun day)
"Gaelic: Di-luain (moon day); Di-máirt (Mars' day); Di-ciaduinn or Di-ciadaoin (day of the primary quick of the week - Friday being the subsequent quick); Diardaoin (the day between the two diets of Wednesday and Friday); Di-haoine or Dia-aoine (day of the quick) Di-sathuirn (Saturn day); Di-dómhnuich (Master's day)
"Irish: Dé Luan (moon/Luna day); Dé Mairt (Mars' day); Dé Céadaoin (day of the primary quick of the week); Déardaoin; Dé h-Aoine (the day between the two diets of Wednesday and Friday); Dé Sathairn (Saturn's day); Dé Domhnaigh (Ruler's day)
"The Germanic dialects, be that as it may, are likewise related. Ares/Mars was compared with Týr as a fighter god. Zeus/Jupiter was compared with Thórr as the god who flung lightnings. Mercury was compared with Óðinn, since both played a part as psychompomps, the person who drives the dead to their the hereafter. Aphrodite/Venus was likened with Frigga and Freyja.
"German: Montag (moon day), Dienstag (Týr's day), Mittwoch (Mid-week), Donnerstag (Donner's/Thórr's day), Freitag (Freyja/Frigga's day), Samstag (got eventually from Latin Sabbatum), Sonntag (sun day)
"Dutch: maandag (moon day), dinsdag, woensdag (Woden's/Óðinn's day), donderda (Donner's/Thórr's day), vrijdag (Freyja/Frigga's day), zaterdag (Saturn day), zondag (sun day)
"Norwegian and Danish: mandag (moon day), tirsdag (Týr's day), onsdag (Óðinn's day), torsdag (Thórr's day), fredag (Freyja's/Frigga's day), lørdag (washing day), søndag (sun day)
"Swedish: måndag (moon day), tisdag (Týr's day), onsdag (Óðinn's day), torsdag (Thrr's day), fredag (Freyja/Frigga's day), lördag (wash day), söndag (sun day)
"Early English: mondæg or monandæg (moon day); tiwesdæg (Tiw's day, Týr's day); wodnesdæg (Wotan's/Óðinn's day); thunresdæg (Thórr's day); frigedæg (Frigga's/Freya's day); sæterdæg or sæternesdæg (Saturn's day); sunnandæg (sun day)
"Center English: monday, moneday, or monenday (moon day); tiwesday or tewesday (Tiw's day, Týr's day); wodnesday, wednesday, or wednesdai (Wotan's/Óðinn's day); thursday or thuresday (Thórr's day); fridai (Frigga's/Freya's day); saterday (Saturn's day); soneday, sonenday, sunday, sunnenday (sun day)
"North Frisian: monnendei (moon-day); Tirsdei (Týr's-day); Winsdei (Wotan's/Óðinn's day); Türsdei (Thórr's day); Fridei (Frigga's/Freyja's day); sennin (sun-evening); sennedei (sun day)
"Etymologically, it's difficult to tell for specific whether the 'Friday' words get from Frigga or Freyja (in any event so I'm told, I'm not a philologist or phonetics master). We can guess by the cognates that the name is from a goddess compared with Venus and Aphrodite.
"We get into additional issues in that 'Freyja' is gotten from roots meaning basically 'woman' while 'Frigga' comes from attaches connected with 'adored.' There have been a few researchers who demand that Frigga and Freyja are simply various titles for a similar goddess.
"None the less, without a doubt 'Friday' comes from the name of one of these two goddeses, and not from the name of the god Freyr."
Presently, that is the kind of concentrated on exhaustiveness that can accomplish Graduate degrees. A vast majority of proof can convey the day in an official courtroom. Despite the fact that she just disposed of one of the three competitors to the title of Friday's Namesake, the Viking Answer Woman has exceeded all expectations to give me the data I mentioned.
I'm certain happy I didn't tell her I was simply attempting to win a bar bet.