The deadliest Coronavirus going to be evacuated soon.New year brought new hope in India
regading covid survival methods. Indian ministry approved two vaccines in India to give relief
from covid 19 .The two vaccines approved in India are COVISHIELD by Serum Institute,the
world's largest vaccine manufacturer and the other one is COVAXIN developed by Bharat
biotech incoperation with icmr(Indian Council Of Medical Research) and NIV( National Institute
of Virology).
The COVISHIELD is administered in two doses given between four and 12 weeks apart.
It can be safely stored at temperature of 2C to 8C about the same as a domestic fridge.
Bharat Biotech company management said COVAXIN trials are based on a two dose schedule
given 28 days apart.The vaccine efficacy will be determined 14days post the second dose.